Universe Florists Flowers delivery to Cairo, Egypt and nationwide Order online Your gifts hand delivered same day

Universe florist, Cairo, Egypt
Universe Florists Sending flowers Cairo, Qena, Beni Suef, al-Minya, Damanhur, Damietta, Aswan, Zagazig, Fayyum, Ismailia, Asyut, Tanta, Luxor, al-Mansura, El-Mahalla El-Kubra Suez Port Said, Shubra El-Kheima, Giza, Alexandria & Egypt nationwide Order online Your gifts hand delivered same day Order online Your gifts hand delivered same day Universe florist glades to serve you guides your local low price flowers shop to buy gifts online. We send your flowers on same day internationally. We also send Gift hamper and wreath anywhere in Egypt. Same day delivery service in Cairo and main towns. Next-day delivery to Away from Capital. The beautiful ancient city of Cairo is the Capital of Egypt does have visit of many attractions in Town.

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12 Classic Red roses wrapped, Say Love with Roses Basket arrangement for all occasions Bouquet of brighten colour flowers Beautiful Soft colour mix flowers arranged in a basket

EUR 70

EUR 88 EUR 75 EUR 94
Mothers day Pink Bouquet Pastel colour & pink colour flowers Fresh flowers and greens filled in a Glass vase Fruits Gift hamper filled apple, grapes, orange etc Funeral arrangement for Sympathy & express your condolences

EUR 80

EUR 95 EUR 100 EUR 195
Wreath for funeral Birthday / Newborn / Mothers day basket of flower add Teddy or Chocolate box Red/Pink/White/Mixed colour roses in vase - Valentines day Special Basket of Roses Table arrangement Special for birthday anniversary
EUR 155 EUR 95 EUR 85 EUR 128

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