Universe Florists Flowers delivery to Suva, Fiji Islands and nationwide Order online Your gifts hand delivered same day

Universe florist, Suva, Fiji Islands
Universe Florists Sending flowers Suva & Fiji Islands nationwide Order online Your gifts hand delivered same day Order online Your gifts hand delivered same day Universe florist glades to serve you guides your local low price flowers shop to buy gifts online. We send your flowers on same day internationally. We also send Gift hamper and wreath anywhere in Fiji Islands. Same day delivery service in Suva and main towns. Next-day delivery to Away from Capital. The beautiful city of Suva is the Capital of Fiji Islands does have visit of many attractions in Town.

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Anthurium flowers arranged in a Basket Seasonal mixed bright colour flowers bouquet Tropical seasonal flower arrangement no roses Orchids Bird of Paradise and Anthurium arranged

USD 125

USD 108 USD 125 USD 125
Funeral Cross wreath no roses Fresh flowers and greens filled in a Glass vase Bouquet of 12 Roses - Colours are as per availability Funeral wreath for Sympathy & express your condolences

USD 155

USD 135 USD 145 USD 145

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